Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 actually an underwater base prototype

May 16, 2014
Officials at Boeing admitted yesterday that the 777-200ER used in Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is still operational. The aircraft's disappearance in March was part of a test to see if a new experimental underwater base could be possible. The 777 was modified to withstand pressures that can be found on the bottom of the seafloor. Although no one knows exactly where the plane is, officials say that all passengers on board the flight are alive and well at the bottom of the ocean.

"Much like how we are working on designing more efficient spacecraft, we must also understand the need for more efficient deep sea exploration," said a Boeing official. Our modified aircraft will act as the predecessor to underwater cities seen in fiction, such as Rapture from the Bioshock series."
MH370 underwater
All occupants of the flight assumed to be alive
(Photo credit: Malaysia Airlines)
Events on the day of the aircraft's disappearance were designed to keep foreign governments from discovering the secret project. It is believed that the Malaysian government and Malaysia Airlines were both compensated for their participation in the experiment.

"As long as the engines are still intact, the plane will be able to surface and travel much like a submarine."

1 comment:

  1. shoulda stuck to microsoft flight simulator X
    Posted from my Refridgerator
